How to measure the success of a digitization project

In previous posts we already mentioned the importance of digital transformation and how necessary it is to have a detailed plan to successfully manage change in your company. However, we cannot implement solutions in our company without having identified the KPIs that will help us measure the success of said changes, and be able to stablish actions or improvements based on that data.

What KPIs Will measure the success of digitization projects?

Establishing what KPIs will measure the success of our digitization projects can be a difficult task, as there are no universal standard criteria that can be applied to any project. However, to be useful, we must define them keeping in mind that the results should help us make decisions, quickly and efficiently. Also, it is important to bear in mind that KPIs can evolve and change over time, just as the digital transformation itself. We need to adapt to changes, and the KPIs should reflect these changes.

As mentioned before, every project will have to have its own KPIs, and these will depend on the digitization project carried out. However, there are some that will always be common to all companies and projects:

  • Return of investment (ROI). It is key to measure the profitability of the investment made in the digitization project.
  • Cost control. Digitizing processes seek to control the costs associated with the project in question. This KPI is closely linked to the previous one.
  • Productivity and agility. It is vital to talk to our employees, to know how much time certain tasks required and how long they take now, in which areas they notice the changes, what benefits they identify in their day-to-day life, and to follow up on them.  
  • Clients or suppliers satisfaction. Have they realised about the changes? What do they think of them? We can also obtain results through surveys with numerical numbers, so that it helps us to measure overall satisfaction.

Well-planned digital transformation can only bring benefits. Fear should not be part of changes, and for that, it is necessary to promote a positive attitude towards them by:

  • Having a clear plan
  • Show with numbers the results that these changes could bring to your company

At Brait, we can help you with the digitization of your business processes. Contact us, we will be happy to help you.

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