Sign documents digitally in a secure, agile and paperless way
In an increasingly digitized society, where all processes require a quick response, it is necessary to be able to sign any document from any place and device, safely and legally.
Safer and easier
VIDsigner is a service that allows the electronic signature of documents and contracts, both in person and remotely, since it allows the signature through different devices and always guaranteeing legal validity.
The main benefits are:
Abertis ha contado con la colaboración de Brait para digitalizar el proceso de facturación electrónica de proveedores en México, Chile, Francia, Italia y España. Ello ha permitido al Grupo Abertis automatizar y eficientar el proceso de registro de facturas, cumpliendo con los requerimientos legales de cada país.
Zulema Navarro Morales
Head of Business Information System
Unlock the power of digital solutions for your business.