Your tax obligations, always on time

The current digitalization is having a great impact on tax compliance and regulatory reporting. Regulations in different countries continuously request the submission of new formats, procedures and the use of new tools. SnI provides a 100% integrated software, end-to-end, between your SAP ERP and the different tax agencies and information exchange systems, to comply with the new obligations always on time and with the minimum cost and risk. At Brait, we cover SAF-T in multiple countries, IBS, MTD, etc.

A different VAT return system for each country

  • SII, Immediate Provision of IVA Information for Spain.
  • SAF-T PT for Portugal.
  • FR-FEC for France.
  • JPK-VAT y JPK-VDEK for Poland.
  • SAF-T AT for Austria.
  • SAF-T for Germany.
  • SAF-T LT for Lituania.
  • FAIA for Luxemburg.
  • MTD for the UK.
  • E-Invoice, E-Archive, E-DeliveryNote, E-Ledger for Turkey.
  • HU-RTIR for Hungary.
  • FatturaPA for Italy (electronic invoicing).

SNI SAF-T Solution

It is the common architecture for all OECD countries. We help you implement the international standard you need to electronically exchange accounting data to a tax authority or external auditors.


This is the system of Immediate Supply of Information (SII), the new VAT management system that makes it obligatory to send the details of invoices issued and received in Spain to the Tax Office within a general period of four days. A different VAT return system for each country.


This is the electronic VAT model promoted by the UK government that requires companies that invoice more than £85,000 in VAT to file their VAT books in digital format and send them to the HMRC via API in electronic form.

Unlock the power of digital solutions for your business.