Why change management is important in Digital Transformation?

We live in a non-stop world. The digital transformation implies changes in the processes that force companies to adapt constantly so that they are not left behind. In our article, we explain what business changes are, and how to manage them in your company so that the digital transformation is a success.

What is Digital Transformation?

Digital Transformation implies any change in the design or operation of a company or any of its departments, thanks to the integration of new technologies. Its main goal is innovation, improvement, and processes optimisation, with all the advantages and opportunities that it represents for a company. That is the reason why knowing how to manage these changes in companies correctly is as important as the Digital Transformation itself. Changes should not be perceived as something negative, but rather as an opportunity to continue growing and improving. However, the reality is that, in companies, we can find people who accept the changes with enthusiasm and proactivity, while others may be more reluctant. That is why change management is so important. From Brait, we want to present you a 10 steps plan to help you manage changes in your company effectively.

How to manage business changes?

When the need to carry out a change in a company is identified, we first need to understand why this change is important and what benefits its implementation will bring to the company. In addition to this, communication is a must. It is important to be clear about the change, so that the changes are viable, and, in addition, your employees also accept it and get involved in the process.
What else can companies do to manage change appropriately? Here are some tips:

  1. Identify clear and measurable objectives.  
  2. Determine what changes are needed.  
  3. Find a viable solution that meets your needs. Not all technological solutions have the same adoption success, for either your employees, your customers, or suppliers, so it is essential to consider this when choosing the tool to implement.
  4. Assess and quantify the benefits that these changes Will bring to the company. The benefits can be many: from saving and optimizing time, better use of the employees’ talent, improving their productivity and motivation, etc.
  5. Plan the different and necessary phases the change needs and define who will lead them. It is essential that your employees feel that everything is planned. This way, when the timeline is shared, everyone Will feel comfortable with what has been proposed.
  6. Talk to your employees, clients, or suppliers. Communication is key, so, take the time to explain why these changes are needed, what benefits will bring, and when the different phases are going to take place. Attending to the various questions or concerns of our employees is essential for them to accept the proposed changes.
  7. Document the various processes required during the implementation of the change.
  8. Training. It is important that your employees feel supported by the company.
  9. Review how the implementation went to evaluate its success.
  10. Organize a feedback session with all parties involved in the process. Identify what went well, and what could have been improved. This is the only way to learn and improve in future changes to come.

At Brait, we want to help your company with the Digital Transformation without forgetting the importance of knowing how to correctly manage the changes that this transformation entails. That is why we have a team of specialists who help improve your business processes, along with project managers who help and accompany companies to ensure success in the implementation of changes. With us, you are not alone. We are here to help, contact us.

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