Determination of the types of DP documents – Developments and Possibilities

Before creating SAP documents, VIM preprocesses the data with a temporary document called DP. Regardless of whether they are financial invoices (FI) or with purchase process (MM), users will work on the DP until the invoice is posted. Once the system validates all the business rules and approves the document, the document is created in SAP.

The determination of the type of document or Document Classes “DP” of VIM, is the highest level attribute, since it is what determines the design of the screen and the SAP transaction to be called, based on whether they are invoices with a purchase order (PO) or invoices without a purchase order (NPO).

The document type is the key object in the DP component of VIM. The document type contains key information about how the document is created in the system (from external data using OCR or manual entry), invoice type, etc.

OpenText provides standard document types for most scenarios in VIM.

Clases de Documento en VIM

The VIM DP document type configuration comprises the following Document Classes:

NPO – Factura sin orden de compra

Invoice processing without purchase order. VIM provides a set of business rules to perform basic data and compliance checks before the invoice is sent for approval.

This type of document is associated with financial invoices, without the purchase process in SAP, just as if it had been posted in transaction FB60.

PO – Factura con orden de compra

Processing of the invoice with the purchase order. VIM provides a set of business rules to perform basic data checks and compliance checks.

This type of document is associated with invoices with purchase documents, just as it would have been posted in the MIRO transaction.

DWN – Anticipos

The DWN document type enables the processing of advances (both NPO-related and PO-related) based on a specific set of business rules.

¿Cómo clasifica VIM los documentos para determinar el tipo de documento correcto?

VIM provides a series of rules for determining the type of DP document from the results obtained from data extraction by OCR.

The basic configurationuses the existence of an order number present on the invoices, the result of OCR extraction, to determine if the invoice is an NPO invoice (Invoice without Order) or a PO invoice (Invoice with Order).

After the extraction and validation of data from the OCR, the workflow begins in SAP. The first process that takes place in the system is the determination of the type of document, which will mark the checks and automatisms that are applied to said invoice.

Desarrollos posibles para la determinación de los tipos de Documento:

Based on the basic configuration for determining the type of DP document, Brait has developed a fairly effective and easy-to-maintain logic.

The logic to determine the type of document with which the process will start in SAP is based on the following process:

  1. If the OCR detects an order number from MM, or failing that, a delivery note number registered in SAP, it will process it as an invoice with purchase order (PO). The OCR will recognize the delivery note or order number as long as it is registered in the system exactly as it appears on the invoice.
  1. In the event that an order number is not detected, but the SAP supplier number is available, it will be checked in a customized table if said supplier is authorized to issue invoices without a purchase order. If it is, it will follow the non-purchase order (NPO) invoice flow.
  1. If the supplier is not authorized to issue invoices without a purchase order, even if the company order number does not appear on the invoice, the system will categorize this invoice as ZPO_GLOB, invoice with purchase order, and the first data it will request in SAP will be said order number.

During the processing of the invoice (of the DP) prior to its posting, the user has the possibility to change the document type from PO to NPO and vice versa, and this will cause the invoice to be posted by MIRO or by FB60 depending on the chosen document class.

At Brait, our specialists develop efficient logics that adjust to the needs of our clients. If you want to know how we could help you, contact us. We will be happy to help you!

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