As we have seen in previous posts about invoice automation, SAP Vendor Invoice Management by OpenText has monitoring tools in the form of reports that are very useful, since they allow you to measure parameters and identify bottlenecks in the billing process, the current debt and the most important exceptions. common through which bills pass, etc.
In this article, we are going to focus on explaining the current VIM Analytics Current Liability report.
VIM Current Liability Report
The VIM Analytics Current Liability Report provides a report with accurate data on documents that are preliminarily stored in the system. The purpose of this report is to provide the company with current debt information at any time.
In relation to the Accounts Payable department, the main objective is to make the calculations of accounts at the end of the month or at the end of the desired period of time. This report provides multiple views of the extracted data, allowing you to analyze the information from multiple points.

The current liability report considers the documents received and that are in process, as well as optionally also the credit notes. In addition, both purchase order invoices and invoices without purchase orders are supported.
There are several controls within the report which make it possible to calculate subtotals. It is also possible to export the data to Excel.

VIM is a very powerful tool, and thanks to these reports, companies can see in a few clicks the situation of their accounting department, and thus improve their processes.
If you want to know more about VIM, or have questions about how to extract better insights, contact us, we will be happy to help you.