SAP sales order automation

An optimal Order to Cash process is the result of having an efficient and error-free process from start to finish. That is why, in this post, we are going to focus, especially, on the first step of the process: sales orders.

What problems do we find in the manual processes of Order to Cash?

If the Order to Cash process is manual, we find the possibility of errors when:

  • Create the order
  • In addition to being a tedious process, manual data entry can be misleading
  • These errors can be difficult to detect
  • Paper-based process slowdown
  • Review and approval
  • Finding duplicates is difficult, and requires a lot of manual effort
  • Unapproved or erroneous discounts may be applied
  • Reception
  • Delays in reception
  • little transparency
  • Impossible to prioritize and target preferred customers

All these errors generate discomfort in our clients, which has a negative impact on us as well. Usually, these errors are mainly due to a single problem: the high degree of manual work in the process.

How can we automate sales orders?

Sales order automation can be optimized thanks to VIM Beyond Invoices, with its winning sum: SAP Information Capture + SAP Invoice Management.

On the one hand, SAP Information Capture by OpenText is a unique solution for capturing and extracting data from all SAP documents. In addition, thanks to its intelligent technology with machine learning, it learns by itself, optimizing the capture process and automating the information processing.

Therefore, once the data contained in our sales order has been read, this information is passed to SAP through its document management and processing engine, SAP Invoice Management by OpenText.

Advantages of sales order automation in SAP

The creation of sales orders is the first step of the Order to Cash process – therefore, it is very important that, within the whole process, this first point is correct.

There are numerous advantages of automating sales operations, but to mention some of them, we highlight the following:

  • Easy order prioritization (based on value)
  • Decrease in errors
  • Clear and automated rules for the approval of discounts and credit limits
  • Total automation of the process
  • Easy exception management, increased visibility and monitoring
  • Cost reduction per order

This optimization ensures a standardized and automated process from the beginning, ensuring quality, transparency and control at all times. And what is more important, it translates into better customer service and, therefore, better relationships.

If you want to know more, contact us, we will be happy to answer your questions.

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