Automatic determination of the posting date

In one of our previous posts, we told you how Brait developed a tailored solution for reconciling invoices and order lines for one of the many SAP Vendor Invoice Management projects we have.

Today we would like to cover another automation that we also frequently implement in VIM projects. It is about the determination of the date of posting of the invoices avoiding possible errors and helping the Accounts Paying departments.

By detault, in a SAP system, the posting date is the system date and the user has the option to modify it manually.

But, how does it work with VIM OpenText?

SAP Vendor Invoice Management by OpenText provides various configuration options for the automatic determination of the posting date of invoices. By default, it is implemented that the posting date is the system date, although there are also other options available such as: supplier invoice date, goods or services delivery date, scan date, manual entry, etc.

Most of the days of the month this automatism is correct, but when the user is accounting on dates close to the accounting closing of the month, many times, the accounting date requires a manual modification by Accounts Payable.

At Brait, we have a more complete logic

Based on our experience with other clients, we have developed a tailored logic more complete than the product standard and flexible enough to cover these problematic scenarios and avoid Accounts Payable having to make manual modifications.

The accounting system must simply set the accounting closing day for each month and for each company in a very simple way. The rest will be done by our logic.

There are already many clients who have minimized the workload of Accounts Payable with this automation. If you are interested in knowing more about our automation packages, contact us, we will be happy to help you.

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