New mandatory e-Invoice law: how to integrate e-Invoicing into SAP VIM

In previous posts we commented about the publication of the new “Crea y Crece” Law, which requires all Spanish companies and professionals to issue and send electronic invoices in their commercial relations.

What are the advantages of e-invoicing?

  • Ensure control over payments.
  • Save time and management costs.
  • Reduce delinquency and transaction costs in commercial transactions.
  • Providing information on intercompany payment terms.
  • Promote immediacy and efficiency.
  • Improve the environment.

How to integrate e-invoicing in VIM?

If you already have Vendor Invoice Management by OpenText as a tool for managing and accounting for vendor invoices, we can integrate 100% the reception of electronic invoices, since the tool allows configuring different input channels, including XML format:

VIM integrates perfectly with these processing standards involved in electronic invoicing.

Integrating e-invoicing into Vendor Invoice Management completely eliminates manual document intake tasks, since, from the accounts payable clerk’s perspective, electronic invoices would automatically enter the system and an attempt would be made to post them. In any case of a problem that would prevent automatic posting, the document would stop in VIM so that AP can solve the related problems.

When the XML enters the system an individual mapping of each of the fields of our invoices is performed. After the mapping in VIM, our document is generated in order to proceed with its processing if necessary.

From VIM it will always be possible to access the electronic document received, as well as in the case of having the PDF of the invoice attached by the supplier (which can be seen in the VIM processing panel as the main image of the invoice), and their attachments, if available.

Although from the accounts payable department’s point of view it may be more useful to manage PDF documents, it is important not to forget that they have no legal value. However, they will always be in VIM so that we have them available in case we need them.

Simplify e-invoicing compliance

Regulations already exist in more than 45 countries for the adoption of electronic invoicing, and the solutions offered by companies providing electronic invoicing services to entrepreneurs and professionals must guarantee their interconnection and interoperability.

The VIM tool adapts to the mandatory and standardized use of electronic invoicing, allowing a greater degree of automation and control in invoice management.

If you want more information about VIM, you are thinking of implementing it in your company, or would like to adapt your system to the new regulations on electronic invoicing, please do not hesitate to contact us. We will be happy to assist and advise you.

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