Integration of SAP VIM by OpenText with OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions

In several posts, we have covered the virtues of VIM as an invoice management tool (and other documents too), and how it helps to take our accounting department (or others if we are talking about documents other than invoices) at a high level of efficiency.

On the other hand, we have also talked about the OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions product and its ability to be the 360 repository within a company.

In today’s post, we are going to comment on why it is important that 2 products like this are integrated and what it will bring us.

SAP VIM by OpenText

The use of VIM makes it possible to automate the accounting flow of accounts payable (and as we have already seen, we now integrate documents even from the sales departments) but it does not perform proper document management. This lack is perfectly covered by OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions, which acts as an advanced 360 repository.

VIM has a multitude of transactions, through which people who work with documents can consult different information about them.

One of them is the VIM Workspace, or VIM Workplace, thanks to it, the people involved in the processing of a document deal with the different incidents that require their attention.

This is the central tool for invoice processing and allows us to access all aspects of the invoice lifecycle (from receipt to payment).

In many situations users may need some additional information such as the contract, a delivery note, order confirmations, emails or the like, while they are working within the VIM workspace.

OpenText Extended ECM Integration

This is where OpenText Extended ECM fits perfectly as it allows access to all documentation related to the invoice within SAP transactions.

As we can see in the screenshot above, within VIM Workplace we can access different related workspaces: supplier, invoice materials, merchandise receipts of the orders that compose it, etc., allowing the user to navigate from the same place between all the information of the object.

Access to documentation is also very simple and is done with a single click in the same window using the integrated reader “Intelligent Viewer”.

Thanks to this integration with the VIM exception panel, the user has direct access to all documentation and can even upload additional documents via drag and drop while solving an exception in the VIM workspace.

Of course, OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions does much more: it also manages Records Management, provides powerful search, integrates with other ERPs and with Microsoft Office (Teams, Sharepoint, etc) and of course with the usual file system.

In short, it is the ideal central repository of information for the entire company.

At Brait, we can help with the integration of both solutions. If you have any question, do not hesitate to contact us.

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