Extended ECM Platform by OpenText – All you need to know

Nowadays, information can be one of the most important assets for a company since it gathers any type of interaction that an employee can make with customers, suppliers, other employees, etc. All these interactions can besides coming from totally independent systems such as: SAP, SuccessFactors, Office365, Salesforce, etc.

The control of all this huge amount of information coming from a multitude of sources should no longer be relegated to a simple silo where it is stored without control or structure, but should be exploited and used by all departments of the company.

This is why the company’s support in a powerful document manageris key to simplify the capture of all this information (which no longer has to come from internal company agents) and to be able to reach the highest level in terms of its processing, collection and sharing.

But reaching this level of control is not an easy task because it is difficult to find a product that is capable of becoming a 360º repository of the wide variety of sources that a company usually has.

xECM: the solution for document management

At Brait we are experts in the implementation of Extended ECM Platform, a leading document management system developed by OpenText and offered by SAP as the best option for its customers, which meets all the needs that a company may have for a 360 repository.

OpenText Extended ECM Platform is the product that encompasses a multitude of connectors developed specifically to be implemented quickly, easily and efficiently, allowing Content Server to receive information from an infinite number of sources.

Currently, OpenText provides us with these connectors to manage information coming from the following external systems:

  • OpenText Extended ECM for SAP: this is the best known of all connectors. It is compatible with all current SAP versions, whether ECC, OnHana, S4/HANA or even deployed in HEC. With its integration we manage to connect all SAP objects with the 360 repository facilitating the interaction between them.
  • OpenText Extended ECM for SuccessFactors: in great demand these days, we implemented this connector to facilitate employee onboarding and create a self-service environment that frees the HR department from tedious tasks.
  • OpenText Extended ECM for Salesforce: thanks to this connector we facilitate the management of the sales area by connecting external objects with the entire SAP sales flow (customer orders, contracts, etc.).
  • OpenText Extended ECM for Microsoft Office 365: with the aim of having a single repository, OpenTExt allows us to interact with the documentation stored in the Microsoft suite to make it part of all the information contained in Content Server.
  • OpenText Extended ECM for Microsoft Dynamics 365 y OpenText Extended ECM for Oracle E-Business Suite: not only can we connect with SAP as ERP but OpenText allows us to interact with other vendors with the same potential.

In addition to these connectors, the product has an API that allows connection with any external environment that may be available. The details of the API along with the details of the connectors we will see in future blog posts. Don’t miss out!

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