How to make your employees more productive with a collaborative environment

Sharing documents and collaborating with suppliers, clients or customers is a constant in most organizations. But when external parties do not have access to the company’s document manager, which is often the case, employees are forced to resort to emailing documentation.

The fact of having to send the documents via email means that users have to download the documents from the document manager, log out of it, access the email, etc. In the end, this navigation between applications translates into a waste of time and, therefore, a decrease in employee productivity.

The solution: the combination of OpenText Content Suite and OpenText Core Share

The OpenText Content Suite document manager provides a secure, easy and fast way to share documents with individuals outside the company by linking with OpenText Core Share.. Core Share extends the existing functionality of Content Suite by adding cloud-native sharing and collaboration capabilities, ensuring that everyone with permission to access a document can directly access the most current version.

How does it work?

To produce and share a new document you need to have a text editor, save the document, compose an email, attach the file and then wait for the sender to reply with their comments and corrections. Thanks to the use of Content Suite with Core Share all these actions can be performed from the manager itself and shared with external users by pressing a single button. In this way, the time that employees must invest in sharing documentation is reduced to seconds and productivity increases, since remaining in the same tool reduces distractions to a minimum.

With Core Share, waiting times for feedback from external parties are also reduced since the update is immediate. Once a resource is shared, any new documents or folders added to the shared folder in Content Suite are automatically synchronized with Core Share, while new documents or folders added to Core Share are automatically synchronized in Content Suite. Content Suite users within the company can continue to access and work with the document in the same way as always, while users outside the organization access the document through Core Share.

To prevent multiple users from modifying the same document at the same time and losing changes, when a document is reserved by a user in Content Suite for editing or review, it is automatically reserved in Core Share and vice versa.

In addition, actions that occur in Content Suite or Core Share on a shared document are saved, providing a complete record of every movement you have made on the document. Even if the external share is revoked, the complete audit history is retained and remains with the document in Content Suite.

If you think that all these features could help you to improve your company’s collaboration and document generation processes, do not hesitate to contact us and our consultants will be able to guide you on the best way to implement Core Share according to your needs.

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