Digitize the hiring process with DocuWare

The Human Resources department is one of the departments that generates the most documentation in its business processes. For this reason, it is necessary to have a powerful document manager that allows to automate, organize and manage all the files.

DocuWare is a solution that provides 360 repository capabilities allowing to manage all the documentation that is generated in this deparment, and facilitating its management by automating processes with workflows adapted to the needs of the user. In addition, not only does it make the employee’s job easier, but it also improves the organization of the department and saves time and therefore costs.

Regarding the business process, that concerns us, one of the most laborious tasks in Human Resources is the hiring and management of the entry documentation of an employee, especially when it is intended to have a self-service environment.

With DocuWare we can automate and simplify this task through forms that collect the necessary data from external databases and launch workflows that minimize manual entry errors or greatly reduce processing time. These forms are capable of generating a contract for a candidate and after reviewing it, the formalization of the contract is quick and easy, since the candidate does not have to travel for the signature, which is done remotely and securely with ValidatedID.

Thanks to DocuWare, a step forward is taken in the way of working, as it saves time, minimizes the use of paper and improves the organization of data, notably benefiting the department, since it replaces the traditional way of storing documentation and dispose of the information it contains.

Advantages of using DocuWare in HR:

  • Generation of contracts through templates (in several languages): contracts are automatically generated by extracting information from the candidate database.
  • Remote, biometric and centralized signature: candidates can comfortably review and sign from anywhere thanks to the remote signature validated with biometric data.
  • Cross-platform integration: DocuWare has cross-platform integration which allows the company to continue using their appications and link them to DocuWare.
  • Alerts by email, lists or task: workflows are created to automate notices to candidates, tasks to modify or approve data or lists to be aware of the process.
  • Custom permissions to access documents: security is important in DocuWare, only authorized people can access documents.
  • Document expiration date notifications: a list is programmed so that when a document is about to expire, a notification or task is triggered and thus the documentation is updated.
  • Creation of the employee file: all candidate data is stored in the DocuWare file cabinets which facilitates quick access to the data.
  • Search easily and quickly: finding a document is much easier in DocuWare since the documentation is digitized and you can do a personalized search.

These are just a few examples of all the advantages of using document manager like DocuWare. Many companies use it and highlight that, thanks to the changes made, they save time and the workload has decreased by automating processes.

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