Contract management with OpenText Extended ECM

Contract management is a fundamental part of a company’s administration. Proper contract management allows companies to ensure that they are complying with all the requirements established in the contracts, as well as minimizing the risk of non-compliance. OpenText Extended ECM facilitates contract management by allowing you to manage the entire contracting process from the manager itself: requesting a new contract, generating the contract (document), sending, signing and tracking.

Application and/or approval of new contracts

Gracias a los potentes workflow de ECM Extended es posible establecer flujos de aprobación si el proceso de contratación lo requiere, pudiendo, incluso, establecer diferentes niveles de aprobación basados en algún metadato asociado a la contratación como, por ejemplo, el precio.

Easy creation of contracts through templates

It is possible to load the different contract templates that are commonly used in the company into the manager so that when creating a new contract it is possible to select it quickly and easily. It will only be necessary to include the information related to the contract to be managed and it will be ready to be sent for signature.

Digital signature integrated in the manager

At Brait we have developed a fully integrated module in Extended ECM that allows the use of remote electronic signature and biometrics in full compliance with the European eIDAS law.

OpenText Extended ECM

The integration of this electronic signature in the document manager makes the contracting process even faster, since the signature can be completed without having to leave the document manager. Upon completion of the contract, it is possible to request the signature of the contract. The system will automatically take the information from the signatories and send it to them by e-mail so that they can sign it. Once the signatures are completed, it will be automatically updated in the system without the need for a user to manually upload it.

Exchange of documentation

It may be necessary to exchange certain documents with suppliers prior to contracting. For example, you can send us different economic proposals. Extended ECM allows, thanks to its integration with Core Share, that this exchange can be done directly in the manager, facilitating access to people outside the organization who do not have a user in the manager. Allows the sending of a link to access the corresponding space and deposit the documentation. The permissions that these users have are established by the user of the manager that provides them with access and may be limited in a period of time.

Contract reports

In order to have a better control of the current situation of the contracts stored in the manager, it is possible to set up reports. These reports can display all the metadata associated with the contracts and can be filtered by columns or searched. In addition, these reports can be viewed both from within the manager and exported to CSV or Excel.

Reminders for contract expiration

In order to be able to have a greater control over expiring contracts and thus plan their renewal in advance, Extended ECM allows you to develop contract expiration notification flows so that contract managers receive an e-mail notification, for example, 45 days before the expiration date.

These are just some of the features of Extended ECM, but its capabilities go beyond that, allowing to optimize all HR processes among others.

If you think that all these features could help you to improve your company’s document processes, do not hesitate to contact us and our consultants will be able to guide you on which product best suits your needs and the best way to implement it.

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