Content Server: GDPR regulatory compliance

Every day, any organization processes, obtains and treats personal data and must comply with European data protection regulations, known as General Data Protection Regulation or GDPR, this regulatory compliance is mandatory and must have the highest priority to ensure that personal data is treated and stored securely.

Therefore, the support of the organization in a powerful document management system is key to ensure that the collection, processing and custody of data and documents, allowing the staff in charge of management to comply with the regulations and have the appropriate tools to do so.

Regulatory compliance includes data collection, processing, modification and deletion, and notification of possible security breaches, among other points, all of which can be covered using the various tools contained in Opentext Content Server.

OpenText Content Server: the secure document management solution.

At Brait we are experts in the implementation of Opentext Content Suite Platform, specifically its Content Server product, the document management system of the leading company in the field of document management, OpenText, connected to the main data providers such as SAP, Salesforce, Office 365 or SAP SuccessFactors.

OpenText Content Server allows you to securely store information and documentation of customers, suppliers, employees and other persons who are covered by the RGPD regulations.

Some of the items on the GDPR compliance list that are covered by Content Server are as follows:

  • Principles relating to processing: thanks to the management of permissions on access and modification of data, security measures are in place to protect the integrity and confidentiality of data.
  • Consent conditions: allows you to store a sample of the consent given by the data subject and to create workflows that obtain such consent.
  • Rights of the data subject and transparency of information: by means of reports it is possible to provide the data subject with all the information related to the processing and to facilitate the exercise of his or her rights.
  • Right of access: all available information, both documents and metadata, can be downloaded and sent to the data subject upon request. Permissions can be used to limit the processing of data upon request by the data subject.
  • Right of correction and deletion: it is possible to modify the information contained in the metadata concerning the data subject, as well as to delete the data in response to a request for deletion.
  • Informing the data subject in the event of rectification, erasure or restriction of processing: by means of workflows and automated processes, the data subject can be informed of any of these points.
  • Right to data portability: it is possible to make a compressed download in a .zip file containing all the information and documentation, allowing the data subject to access and take the data with him/her.
  • Data protection by design and by default: the system provides structured management by default permissions.
  • Logging of processing activities: a complete audit trail of actions performed on data and documents is performed.

In addition, the product offers flexibility to extend its capabilities by developing custom functionality using the system’s own tools or calls to external systems.

If you think that all these functionalities could help you to comply adequately with the RGPD regulation in your current Opentext Content Server system, our consultants will be able to guide you in such a way that you can obtain the information that best suits your needs and the current regulation.

If, on the other hand, you do not have OpenText Content Server but you are still interested in its use for regulatory compliance and document management, contact us and we will tell you about all the possibilities.

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