Content Server: Core Share collaboration

Collaboration between people, departments and companies is a fundamental part of the regular work of many companies and projects, allowing work to be done by multiple people and teams without the need to share the same physical space. Being able to share files quickly and securely between different collaborators allows work to be done properly and ensures greater productivity.

Therefore, the support of the organization in a powerful collaboration and document sharing system is key to ensure that documentation is handled, shared and updated securely and efficiently among the different parties.

Sharing documentation via email can initiate long email chains in which new versions are created and sent, changes are approved, and updated versions are resent repeatedly, making it difficult to find clear information on the changes made, or the final version of the document. All these points can be covered using the tools provided by OpenText Core Share.

OpenText Core Share: collaboration made easier

At Brait we are experts in the implementation of OpenText Content Suite Platform, specifically its Content Server product, the document management system of the leading company in the field of document management, OpenText, and OpenText Core Share, part of Content Suite and which integrates seamlessly with other products in the family such as Content Server or OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions.

OpenText Core Share allows you to share documentation with internal and external users in a secure and agile way, while maintaining control within the OpenText ecosystem.

Some of the key points of Core Share are the following:

  • Security: documents are kept in the document management system, sending an email to collaborators with an invitation to log in to view the document in question.
  • Permissions management: users can only view documents for which they have permissions.
  • Immediate collaboration: thanks to bidirectional synchronization, changes appear in documents in real time.
  • Auditing: changes made to documents will be recorded in the audit log, and information on who made a change or downloaded a document and when was it done can be retrieved.
  • Document approval and signing: once the final draft is defined, and using OpenText Core Signature, the document is signed to validate and create the final version of the document.
  • Archiving in the ECM system: once the document is approved and signed, it can be kept available in Core Share or returned to the document manager where it will be stored.
  • Integration: integration with OpenText Content Server or Extended ECM for SAP allows documents to be shared without having to leave the work platform.

In addition, the product is constantly updated with the latest improvements in terms of information security, work possibilities and document management tools and permissions.

If you think that all these features could help you to improve your company’s collaboration and document generation processes, do not hesitate to contact us and our consultants will be able to guide you on the best way to implement Core Share according to your needs.

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