DocuWare benefits for the Finance Department

We are in the age of digitization and many companies are looking to digitize and automate their business processes to gain a competitive advantage over others. DocuWare is positioned as an enterprise content management (ECM) solution that offers significant benefits to a company’s accounting department. It is a reliable solution, which helps speed up work processes and makes everything more cost-effective and transparent.

DocuWare as a document manager

DocuWare helps companies digitize their documents, recognize text, eliminate paper and export the data to their ERP or other platform. Allows users to remotely approve and collaborate on workflow management, document processing, process optimization, and other processes. This powerful solution helps the company ensure that all conventional tasks are now performed securely without the need for paperwork.

Benefits of DocuWare for the Finance Department

DocuWare offers a variety of benefits for the finance department. These are some of the main advantages it offers:

Intelligent Indexing

DocuWare provides an advanced search tool known as intelligent indexing. This tool allows the user to search for specific documents in seconds, enabling finance departments to retrieve and find documents quickly and easily. This will save time and effort by not having to go through a mountain of files to find the desired document.
This means not having to search for documentation in multiple locations every time you have an audit or a visit from the tax authorities, just create an intelligent search that contains all the documentation to be audited and the tax technician will have all the information at his fingertips.

Enhanced Security

DocuWare also offers a much higher level of security for your financial documents. This document management solution offers encryption, multi-factor authentication, access verification and activity logging. These tools help prevent any attempt of unauthorized access to financial data storage. This gives users peace of mind knowing that their data is safe and secure.

Improved Workflow

DocuWare also offers an improved approvals workflow. This tool allows users to schedule tasks within the system and create workgroups to share documents. This means that there is no longer a need to send paper documents for approval. Users can also set up clear and defined authorization lists to save time when managing invoices and establishing workflow.

Within this task scheduling we also have the document signature, which avoids wasting time to sign a contract or a tax filing, since we can make legal electronic signature from the document manager itself.

Minor Storage Costs

By eliminating the need for paper storage, DocuWare enables users to save on their storage costs. Digital storage also generates improvements in the environment, as users now only need to print selected documents, resulting in a reduction in overall paper usage. This reduction in paper usage will help minimize the company’s carbon footprint and better align with the company’s sustainability goals.

Business Growth Monitoring

By allowing users to view financial documents online, they can also monitor the growth of their business. This means that users can also control cash flows to meet their tax contribution obligations and plan for the future. Therefore, users will be able to make early material purchases, save on taxes and minimize the amount of debt.

Automated Payment Collection

DocuWare also offers an automated payment collection function with support for cash payment and fast receipt of payments. This equates to increased productivity between the department and customers, and will save time and effort when processing payments. This will help improve customer satisfaction and help ensure that customers do not delay paying their bills.


DocuWare se is positioned as one of the unrivaled solutions for all departments in a company and in particular for the Finance department, since it contributes with specific solutions that solve concrete day-to-day problems.

This ECM solution helps to speed up work processes and provides greater transparency in all processes helping users to manage their documents effectively and productively.

If you want to see a demo, or need more information, please contact us, we will be happy to help you.

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