Maximize the security and efficiency of your supply chain

Fullstep revolutionizes the spending cycle thanks to the digitalization, automation and end-to-end control of the entire process Its Source-to-Pay platform will allow you to take advantage of the potential of technology to achieve greater efficiency and productivity, reducing cost and ensuring regulatory compliance of any purchasing activity.

Procurement Intelligence Solutions

The dashboard offers visibility and control of all purchasing and supply activity in its main axes: Economic, Expense / budget, Operational and suppliers. This is possible thanks to the integration of information from multiple data sources, 360 vision with customized reports on purchasing activity.

Procure to Pay Solutions

Management, traceability and total control of the procurement and billing process.

Manage procurement in a more simplified and efficient way thanks to the 360 vision of the status of orders and receipts, its operational management and compliance with the conditions negotiated in the bidding process.

Automated comprehensive management of invoices from a single system, thus reducing costs, and controlling the integrity and quality of information to ensure compliance with commitments.

Source to Contract Solutions

Optimization and control of the entire process of strategic purchasing activity.

Strategic sourcing thanks to which management times and administrative costs will be reduced, obtaining savings immediately and with real-time monitoring and visibility.

Manage contracts safely and efficiently, thanks to their simplification from templates and automatic tracking through warnings and alerts.

Supplier Management Solutions

Minimize risk and improve performance by transforming the relationship with suppliers.

Thanks to the supplier management software, you can get a 360 view of all the information related to the activity of suppliers in real time. It will favour better decision making thanks to obtaining truthful and updated information, through reports and performance evaluations.

Thanks to supplier risk management, intelligent and confident purchasing decisions can be made, controlling risks at every stage of supply thanks to analysis and alert systems.

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