Manual data entering, can´t someone else do it?

Entering data manually has many drawbacks: it’s time-consuming, it’s boring, mistakes are made, it’s expensive, inefficient… As Homer Simpson would say, can’t someone else do it?  

Nowadays, there are solutions that allow you to automatically extract data from any document, both in digital and paper format, and take it precisely to where it is needed.

Tasks such as copying data from one document to another, matching two quantities, or indexing a text for a search engine, can easily automated if you have the right tool.

Docuware, and its intelligent indexing, is able to obtain the values of any document or repository where the information is located, and take it where needed, allowing you to dedicate your time to tasks that add more value to your organisation.

Can’t think of where you could use it? Here are some examples of how our customers are using Docuware:

  • Invoice Automation  
  • Automation of delivery notes  
  • Order Automation  
  • Flight Chart Automation  
  • Automation of Personnel Selection Processes  
  • Automatic classification of documentation  
  • Automation for the control of Documentation Expirations (Regulations)  
  • Automation of Work Certifications

Do you find any of these uses interesting? Do you want to know more about any of them? Your use case does not appear in this list and would you like to tell us? Contact us and tell us about it and we will help you make it happen.

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