Custom business rule in VIM: Signature validation in PDFs

As seen in previous posts, OpenText VIM adds a lot of value to companies that opt for its implementation, managing to automate those processes that would otherwise be much slower and more laborious.

Vendor Invoice Management by OpenText (VIM) is a module fully integrated into SAP, and is the leading product for the treatment, management and accounting of supplier invoices, leading to the automation of the entire process, from receipt to accounting.

From VIM, to verify that the data of an invoice is correct and that it can be posted in the ERP, it is possible to perform automatic and very agile validations on the data of the invoice. Such validations in VIM are called business rules.

Standard business rules in VIM

The product has a large number of out-of-the-box business rules that can be configured in VIM as standard. It really is a very complete set of validations, since there are rules of all kinds, from checking data such as supplier, company, invoice number, invoice date, balance, etc., to more complex rules such as checking the receipt of merchandise, or the one that checks if the order is not released, etc. even country-specific standard rule sets are available.

In this sense, we must specify that the manufacturer OpenText offers constant and continuous updates at a technological level, and this allows us to comply with legal requirements in countries around the world as they become effective.

Custom business rules in VIM

As VIM experts and with the numerous implementations we have carried out, we can say that, quite often, our clients make requests to cover business processes that the standard product does not offer.

VIM is very flexible and really allows us to carry out fully customized automation and business rules according to the request of our clients.

Validation of the signature in PDF

This is one of the examples we cover below. It is the case of one of our clients in Spain, who has requested a custom development so that VIM is capable of detecting when a PDF is digitally signed and validating said signature automatically.

For this, we have worked to offer the best possible solution, finding a very well-developed open-source library at the operating system level, and implementing said library in SAP in a custom business rule.

In this way, every time a PDF invoice enters the system, if it is digitally signed, VIM checks the validity of the digital signature. In case of detecting any problem, the custom business rule “Invalid PDF Signature” would be highlighted in red so that accounts payable users can really check its validity:

At Brait, we are experts in taking and analyzing specific requirements, to find the most efficient way to address specifications in compliance with the laws that regulate supplier invoices. If you want a demo, or have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us, we will be happy to help you.

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