Automatic achiving with Intelligent Filing by Extended ECM

Within the latest versions of Extended ECM (formerly known as Opentext Content Server), specifically from version 22.1, a functionality has been included that is somewhat unknown among users of the document management platform of OpenText called Intelligent Filing, which allows the automatic archiving of documents directly into the sub-folders of workspaces that have been configured as destinations.

This feature improves efficiency and accuracy for correctly classifying and storing documentation while reducing the risk and time-consuming (and costly) errors in navigating and locating folders for archiving content.

In order to make full use of this functionality, the following prerequisites must first be fulfilled, which Opentext requires beforehand:

  • Purchase a subscription to Opentext Core Capture Services – Basic Services.
  • Locally install the OpenText Intelligent Filing Analysis Tool client.
  • Configure the workspace destination folder, specifying at least one category, classification and document type, within Extended ECM.

Once these prerequisites have been completed, the configuration process of this interesting functionality has the following checklist:

  • Connect to Core Capture.
  • Create the special Intelligent Filing Folder.
  • Create a Core Capture Rule associated to the folder created in the previous step.
  • Configure Intelligent Filing Analysis Tool to obtain the Core Capture profile and add it to the Core Capture Rule from the previous step.
  • Enable Intelligent Filing widget in the Extended ECM Smart view.

How does it work?

By setting up the Intelligent Filing widget in the Smart view, users can leave documents to be sorted automatically. This widget will display the following statuses:

  • Filed – Archived. The document has been successfully archived. The File Location column will show the new location of the file.
  • Pending. Document to be archived.
  • Failed. The document cannot be archived due to:
    • Connectivity problems.
    • Problems finding the destination location. It is possible that the destination folder could not be detected and therefore manual intervention is necessary to archive the document.

It is also possible to add or drag one or more external documents to a previously configured Intelligent Filing Folder. The Browse or Navigation view within the Smart File Folder enumerates and lists all documents in alphabetical order, by name, their filing status and the filing destination of successfully filed documents. You can search by document name or use the Filter pane to filter documents, including by filing status. You can also perform basic actions on one or more documents in the folder browsing view of Intelligent Filing Folder. For example, you can send links, rename, download, move and delete documents. If automatic archiving fails, then the documents will have to be archived manually. One or more documents can be selected for manual archiving.

Several metadata type indicators (strong/primary and/or weak/secondary) can be set which allow the document to be more accurately classified automatically (by generating the Core Capture Metadata Export File) in the corresponding location.

By using Intelligent Filing for automatic archiving, problems are logged in the system event report. Events may include automatic archiving failures and metadata export failures.

In short, this little-known functionality can be very important to automate processes of mass classification of documentation that must be archived following specific metadata and criteria to be organised within workspaces, increasing productivity and significantly reducing the error rate.

In addition, it can serve as a first approach to Core Capture’s machine learning functionalities. The Intelligent Filing Analysis Tool generates these machine learning models from the data provided by Extended ECM and creates a runtime profile for the Intelligent Filing Service. It allows testing and improving the generated models to achieve a high Intelligent Filing hit rate at runtime.

If you would like to know more about these and other interesting features of Extended ECM, please do not hesitate to contact us and our ECM expert team, who will be happy to help you.

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