Biometric e-signature on-site with our BraitSigner solution developed for OpenText Extended ECM Platform

In a world of rapidly advancing technology, electronic signatures are replacing paper and are increasingly being incorporated into the business processes of all types of companies.

There are different types of signature:

  • Remote: for those scenarios where you are not physically next to the signatory.
  • Biometric: when you want to have an advanced signature that can be checked by a calligrapher.
  • Certified: through personal certificates or identification cards.

On this article we are going to focus on biometrics covering the scenario in which we are physically with the signatory and can interact with him/her, such as signing a work contract, delivering goods, etc.

This signature process allows you to sign any type of electronic document, verifying your identity as signatory by capturing your biometric data from the handwriting signature.

In the case of BraitSigner, we sign using a certified tablet and a digital pen that captures enough evidence for a professional calligrapher to attest that the signatory is who they say they are.

Some of the parameters or evidence we collect are:

  • Location by GPS signal of the signing event.
  • Stroke pressure as well as stroke length or speed.
  • Pencil position.

How does our biometric signature module work?

We have developed a module fully integrated with OpenText’s Content Server interface that allows us, without the need for the user to switch screens, access external systems or download any software, to send to sign a document for biometric signature.

The user only has to select the document to sign and tell the system which tablet to use for the signature, nothing else, all from the Content Server Smart View.

The system in the background without any further action by the user sends the document to be signed to the selected Tablet where it is displayed to the signatory so that he/she can read and interact with it.

As it is an in-situ process, the signatory can resolve any doubts with the person who has sent the document to sign and performs the act of signing directly on the Tablet without the need to print the document or the possibility of manipulating it.

Finally, the signed document is automatically archived in the location where the original document is located, without any additional work on the part of the user.

The process is quick and easy.

Hoe is it implemented?

As it is a module developed with the same programming language as Content Server, we can package and install it as if it were a standard product.

Implementation time is reduced to a few days and maintenance is minimal over time.

Ask us for more details and we will give you a demo of the product so you can get to know it.

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