10 reasons to upgrade OpenText Content Suite and Extended ECM

In this article we introduce you to 10 benefits of upgrading OpenText Content Suite and Extended ECM:

1. Closer to the cloud

OpenText Extended ECM Cloud Edition is a cloud-native platform that enables customers to perform anywhere, easier and faster.

The benefits of migrating to the cloud are numerous and include:

  • Implementation and execution anywhere: on-premises, hybrid or in the cloud; in containers or in traditional virtual machines.
  • Faster and easier management: Cloud-native platforms enable automated deployment, scaling and management.
  • Get regular updates with the latest features: adopting new features is now faster, easier and more cost-effective than ever.

Moving to the cloud is a big decision for many organisations, but it doesn’t have to be all or nothing. It is possible to do this in a hybrid way and adopt an approach as needed to move content to the cloud.

2. Improves the user experience

With the Smart View, OpenText has redefined the interface to offer an improved and more intuitive user experience. The interface has been redesigned to offer easier navigation and greater customisation.

  • Allows customised screens to be configured based on different user roles.
  • Allows users to make modifications on their own homepage to the system.
  • It allows the addition of different widgets for quicker access to the most relevant elements, thus facilitating user navigation.

3. Improves productivity

Extended ECM offers enhanced features to increase productivity. Live editing allows users to modify documents in real time, while enhanced search functions make finding information faster and easier.

In addition, the use of pre-configured, out-of-the-box applications available at no additional cost with the Extended ECM upgrade means that complex workflows can be implemented to facilitate and streamline the management of company processes without requiring extensive efforts from the IT department.

4. Increases security

Extended ECM offers enhanced functions to increase security. Role-based security allows users to access information only if they are authorised, while enhanced auditing functions allow all actions performed on documents to be tracked. Improvements include:

  • Security fixes, including crucial updates to third-party libraries such as OpenSSL.
  • New security features around the management of sensitive information (database passwords, OTDS passwords, etc.)
  • Integration with Azure Information Protection (available with the M365 extension) to further secure and protect information.

5. Improves collaboration: Microsoft 365

An increasing number of companies are providing their employees with the option of working from home. Many companies use Microsoft 365 applications such as Microsoft Teams to collaborate and share content with their teams. In order to enable real-time collaboration, as well as to ensure that all records are stored in a single place, Extended ECM offers integration with Microsoft 365 applications:

  • Sincronización completa con Microsoft Teams: Mejora el acceso y la colaboración en el contenido de Extended ECM con la sincronización completa de documentos y subcarpetas entre Business Workspaces y Teams..
  • Manage the Microsoft Teams lifecycle: control Teams content from creation to archiving and elimination
  • Simplify business processes by reducing the number of software applications to be used in each process.

6. Facilitates integration with other OpenText applications

It is possible to further enhance the functionality offered by Extended ECM by integrating it with other OpenText proprietary applications. Some of the applications with which it can be integrated are:

  • OpenText Core Share: allows documents to be shared with people outside the company who do not have access to the manager.
  • OpenText Exstream: Leverages the data and content that already exists in the organisation to transform customer communications into engaging and highly personalised customer experiences across digital and print channels, across different screen sizes and devices.
  • OpenText Intelligent Capture: Automates the loading of content, speeding up the routing of information to the right users and the right system in the organisation. Combine standard capture features, such as Optical Character Recognition (OCR), with powerful machine learning, capture extracts information from the content and automatically routes it to the right user.
  • OpenText Intelligent Viewing: A viewing solution that offers secure viewing and collaboration. Users can collaborate on almost any file type, transforming files of various formats into PDF or TIFF.

7. Facilitates integration with other applications

Extended ECM can be integrated with a company’s core applications, unifying documentation in one place and allowing for streamlined information flows. Extended ECM uses the familiar Content Suite Smart View interface and the same workspace model to integrate information from core applications directly into your content management platform.. Some of the most important applications with which it integrates are: SAP S/4HANA, SAP SuccessFactors, Salesforce or Microsoft Office 365.

8. Regulatory Compliance: Records Manage

Extended ECM’s Records Management module allows you to define the different guidelines to be followed by the different types of records that the company works with and automate them, thus enabling the company to comply with current regulations with less effort for the company. Some of the advantages of using Records Management:

  • Simplifies and automates the retention and reduction of records
  • Garantiza la conservación a largo plazo de contenidos críticos
  • Improving corporate accountability and compliance

9. Flexible deployment

Organisations consume OpenText software and services in a variety of ways, depending on their needs and business strategy. Containerised systems can run alongside existing systems to enable a manageable cloud adoption path.

10. Promote teleworking

Telework requires new tools and ways of thinking about information management. Extended ECM helps us by enabling:

  • Efficient access to information from anywhere.
  • Stability and efficiency of processes: it allows content to be integrated with the applications in which employees work on a daily basis to ensure that information is available when and where it is needed.
  • Collaboration and teamwork: enables smooth and secure collaboration with parties inside and outside the company.

For more information about Opentext and its new updates, do not hesitate to contact us and we will be happy to help you maximise the performance of your processes.

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