Dismantle applications without losing data thanks to InfoArchive

If you have one or morelegacy applications in your company, which store a lot of information, both business data and files, that must still be accessible and you need a secure, scalable and easy-to-use decommissioning solution,Opentext InfoArchive pcan be a very interesting alternative.

The de-comission legacy applications is one of the main use cases of OpenText InfoArchive. Often, legacy applications are no longer officially supported, run on older hardware that is nearing the end of its life cycle, and contain data that is no longer updated. But this data may be valuable to the company and it is important to retain it for legal reasons, regulatory compliance or because it is vital reference data for the company.

Why should obsolete applications not be maintained?

The long-term retention of this data and information in almost obsolete applications, from an IT point of view, produces the following disadvantages:

  • They block digital transformation initiatives.
  • Delay migration to a cloud-based architecture and increase operational costs at the hardware level.
  • Increased risks to the security of confidential corporate information.
  • They paralyze actions to improve or update internal business processes.
  • Poor adaptation to new legal or privacy regulations and integration with other business applications.

The solution? InfoArchive

InfoArchive is a powerful, secure, accessible and scalable archiving solution for the enterprise as it preserves, maintains and controls ongoing access to those valuable historical company information assets. It is also application-independent, providing a unified archive for all application data (live and historical data) and thus reducing the load on systems, reducing hardware requirements (reducing IT infrastructure costs) and improving the overall performance of access and consumption of such information.

In addition to saving costs and improving performance, InfoArchive can help you with legal document retention policies and regulatory compliance because it has robust functionality for you to configure any retention or information lifecycle requirement.

How does it work?

Legacy data are usually divided into two types of data according to their nature:

  • Structured: transactional data, business data, DB tables, etc.
  • Unstructured: documents, videos, images, etc.

InfoArchive uses the following standards for data ingestion, storage, query and retrieval:

  • OAIS: specifies the format in which InfoArchive data is entered, stored and retrieved throughout the information lifecycle.
  • XML: format for archiving structured data and metadata.
  • XQuery: used for search and transformation of archived data, among others.
  • SQL: used for searching in archived data.

Depending on the source of information and data, the type of archiving to be used may be a combination of the following types:

  1. Table-based: mainly for structured data and table files, such as RDBMS.
  2. Based on SIP (Submission Information Packages): used for unstructured data and/or content. These can be grouped into file archives, data-record archives and compound-record archives.

In the following image, we can see an example of a search form for employee-related documentation.

OpenText InfoArchive: Search Form

Another feature associated with control and management is the use of dashboards. Among others, InfoArchive has an administration dashboard and a compliance tracking dashboard (compliance), and allow administrators and retention policy managers to easily view application-related information such as the number of retention policies, data or document blocks due to legal circumstances. (holds) y purges.

The management dashboard shows how much storage is being used and how much is left, as well as pricing information for storage. The compliance tracking scorecard provides information on retention coverage as well as disposal forecasts. Dashboard information is updated using job refresh metrics.

OpenText InfoArchive: dashboard

We have presented the most basic information about this powerful tool for decommissioning legacy applications (decomission legacy applications) but it has many more advantages and attractive features to maintain data integrity, control the information lifecycle and, of course, manage the security and privacy of stored data.

If you want to know more about this product, do not hesitate to contact our expert team in ECM solutions, as we will be happy to help you.

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