Efficient management of employee files

The employee file is made up of a large number of documents, covering the entire life cycle from the selection phase as a candidate, through the hiring phase as an employee and ending at the end of the relationship with the company.

This file management involves a high volume of tasks for the HR department, being some of the most common tasks:

  • Generation of engagement letters.
  • Generation of contracts.
  • Registration of personal data of the candidate / employee.
  • Management of employee documentation: ID cards, passports, registrations, cancellations, etc.
  • Administrative tasks suck as compliance with mandatory courses, personnel payroll, etc.
  • Signature documents.
  • Employee notifications.

Completing these tasks requires a high degree of manual intervention in the HR department (editing, searching, saving, etc.), and the workload, together with the responsibility and complexity of the tasks, means that on many occasions the HR team is unable to attend to our requests because they are involved with more critical tasks such as payroll, registration of new employees in the company, etc.

In addition to the conventional problems such as paper and ink waste, human errors in editing and validation, etc., experience tells us that the management of a department’s resources can be key to optimizing departmental costs. This, together with the well-being of employees by relieving their stress and workload, makes it necessary to automate and simplify the team’s processes.

How can you optimize the work of your HR department?

DocuWare can help reduce the stress and workload that the department may suffer. At Brait, we have the experience to make a good configuration of this document manager, adapting it to the specific needs of each case, to ensure that the solution really adds value. This will result not only in significant economic savings, but also in a better environment and increased productivity for the entire company.

Benefits of using DocuWare for HR

DocuWare can help ensure productivity in recruitment processes thanks to:

  • Automatic generation of documentation thanks to the use of Word templates.
  • Collecting information directly from e-mails, applications and other sources into a single candidate database.
  • Remote signing of engagement letters, contracts, etc.
  • Easily send candidate information to all hiring managers.
  • Generate email notifications for any workflow event.
  • Guarantees total privacy of each candidate’s data.
  • Ensures regulatory compliance thanks to transparent processes.
  • Document lifecycle management.

With Docuware, we can also introduce the 360° repository concept in the company, which allows us to simplify document management by having a single archiving element.

This allows us to improve process efficiency:

  • Obtaining employee information from a single source guaranteeing its faithful and correct distribution.
  • Organizing all employee documentation in a single file efficiently from day one.
  • Structuring the signing process by automatically distributing tasks to all related departments, plus follow-up notifications for background checks, execution of employee agreements, confidentiality agreements, tax forms, benefit plan enrollments and direct deposit information.
  • Creating workflows and forms for sick leave requests, etc.

At Brait, we have the best consultants with more than 15 years of experience implementing DocuWare and configuring it according to the specific needs of each client, so that the use of the platform is transformed into the achievement of results.

Contact us for more information.

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