How to boost working from home productivity with DocuWare

With the pandemic, many workers were forced to discover and experience working from home. Nowadays, after a reasonable period of time, we can say that working from home is here to stay and that hybrid models of working are the new normal.

McKinsey claims that more than 20% of the workforce could work from home while maintaining the same effectiveness as from the office. This change in employees’ working habits requires many changes for companies, such as the investment in digital infrastructure and managing the release of office space. However, this could also lead to changes in the structure of cities and sectors such as food and real estate.

Here are the sectors with the greatest potential for effective remote work:

Without the software and processes to effectively manage remote work, many companies struggle to meet production targets, achieve planned strategies or even manage their employees. To make working remotely truly succeed for everyone, it’s crucial to have a document management tool that’s right for your company. DocuWare can help you create a remote working model without sacrificing your team’s productivity.

DocuWare as a partner for successful remote work

After surveying 534 employers during the pandemic, it was concluded that the biggest obstacle to working remotely is communication between employees. DocuWare solves this problem with ease by making it possible to create workflows between colleagues, wherever they are. DocuWare can be used on smartphones, tablets and laptops, so all your employees need to be linked to each other is an internet connection.

After communication, the biggest problems come from a slow VPN. However, DocuWare enables centralised and instant access to documents and workflows, so VPN would no longer be an issue.

DocuWare also allows easy and intuitive access to documents at any time, as all types of documents can be archived (either by importing, dragging or scanning from email). You will be able to assign viewing and editing permissions to the people you want, thus guaranteeing the confidentiality of the data. The possibility of creating approval flows for invoicing processes or employee management reduces human involvement and the associated errors. This allows you to spend more quality time on tasks that add value to your business.

DocuWare is the perfect tool if you are thinking of digitalizing your work processes or if you would like to optimise the remote work of your employees. Its implementation guarantees you greater effectiveness and a reduction in costs and execution time. If you would like to know more about how DocuWare works, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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