Success story: Story of a documentary R-evolution in Grupo Fuertes

The process of managing supplier invoices is one of the most time-consuming tasks in the financial department of a company. The key to better results? The automation. Grupo Fuertes opted for automating its processes, and Brait, as partners for the implementation of solutions that would allow such automation. We tell you about the success story.


Grupo Fuertes make up the main axis of the holding’s activity and carry out their activity in different sectors such as agriculture, livestock, meat and dairy, as well as viticulture and mineral water. Grupo Fuertes opted to automate and centralize its purchasing processes, relying on OpenText for the exponential growth of the group. These were in a situation of decentralization and with a great variety of processes in the management of invoices.


Grupo Fuertes decided to face a challenge: unify the accounts payable department in a single center to optimize resources and simplify processes, as well as automate the posting of supplier invoices. In the same way, he wanted unify its 10 areas with more than 500 users in a single 360º repository.


With the implementation of SAP, Grupo Fuertes decided to bet on automating and centralizing its purchasing processes, relying on products capable of going hand in hand with the group’s exponential growth. OpenText fit 100% into the company’s aspirations by having specific products already consolidated in the market: Vendor Invoice Management and Extended ECM for SAP.


The benefits that Grupo Fuertes has obtained with this project are remarkable.

On the one hand, with Vendor Invoice Management:

  • Processing of more than 2,200,000 invoices in 24 companies
  • 99% of the invoices arrive by email and the remaining 1% is scanned by means of Certified Digitization of invoices.
  • 90% are invoices with order. -The backlog is on average less than 2,500 invoices
  • Accounting is less than 21 days in 85% of cases
  • 71.4% of invoices with orders are accounted for automatically

On the other hand, thanks to Extended ECM:

  • The efficiency of the processes has been increased, making unstructured content easily accessible in the context of Grupo Fuertes. -Collaboration within the business flow becomes a natural act for users.
  • Access time to physical documentation has been reduced from weeks to minutes.
  • Reduction of effort and time, and, therefore, the cost associated with processing invoices or locating documentation.
  • Reduction of manualwork related to the content.
  • Access data and content at once and augment information for faster decision making.

At Brait, we have implemented many process automation and centralization projects, so we know well how to measure the success of these projects and we can contribute all our experience, contact us.

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