
Electronic communication of invoicing and tax data to the tax authorities.

Our solution

How it works


Ensuring compliance with different tax regulations globally

Companies subject to the presentation of invoicing and tax data through SII, SAF-T, MTD or similar systems in any country of the world.


Unique and transparent

Each country has a different system and regulations for declaring VAT and tax data. With Brait and SnI, you have a single solution in SAP.

Whether your company must report in a single country or in several, our solutions allow you to standardize all presentations through a single system and a single interface.

Brait provides…

A solution that is 100% integrated into SAP®, both ECC and S/4HANA, without the need to access external platforms or portals.
End-to-End solution, we cover everything from data extraction to presentation and response management.
The same system and interface for all countries, easy to use and easy to maintain.
The ability to check the status of your records and shipments at the various tax offices, without leaving SAP®.
Quick and easy correction of shipping errors.
Technology platforms

We implement SnI solutions for SAP® in your company, to comply with the different local tax regulations.

  • SII, Immediate Supply of IVA Information for Spain.
  • SAF-T PT for Portugal.
  • FR-FEC for France.
  • JPK-VAT and JPK-VDEK for Poland.
  • SAF-T AT for Austria.
  • SAF-T for Germany.
  • SAF-T LT for Lithuania.
  • FAIA for Luxemburg.
  • MTD for the UK.
  • E-Invoice (Real Time Invoice), E-Archive (Daily Invoice Report), E-DeliveryNote (Real Time Waybill), E-Ledger for Turkey.
  • HU-RTIR for Hungary.
  • FatturaPA invoice Submission for Italy.

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