How far does process automation go in VIM

According to the study “You’re Working TOO Hard – Using Intelligent Automation to Save Time, Money, and Effort”, prepared by the AIIM association, in collaboration with OpenText, almost 80% of companies recognize that they need to digitize their entire business to subsist. However, the large amount of data and information and the chaos that this entails, become a hard obstacle for companies that start their digital transformation.

At Brait, in our vast experience in implementing a process automation such as VIM, we have realized that it is often a challenge for the affected departments, and for companies in general, to achieve this change in the culture and in the way of changing certain processes to adapt to new automatic functionalities.

VIM is a tool that offers the possibility of achieving the desired balance of each company between control and automation, thanks to its ability to achieve both:

  • Set additional controls.
  • Automate processes.

In achieving a balance between both, is the key to a good optimization of any department.

The degree of automation provided by VIM natively is already quite high if we focus on the entire process that precedes receipt of the invoice as a document in this case.

If we were talking, for example, about invoices associated with the purchase order, in the vast majority of cases the process prior to receiving the invoice would be as follows:

As you can see in the graphic above, receipt of the invoice is the last step in the purchasing process. And having a greater or lesser degree of automation depends directly on how well the processes prior to receipt of the invoice are agreed upon.

To mention a few aspects, it is important that when the invoice arrives:

  • The order is already created and released.
  • The entry of merchandise, if necessary, was already carried out.
  • The provider is well created and without blockages of any kind.
  • Having a well-rounded master data in SAP is also very important.

This process, together with the receipt of the document electronically, or through a good OCR such as Intelligent Capture for SAP Solutions, which we have already talked about on occasion, will give us that degree of automation that we need in the processing of invoices or any other document, thanks to a tool like VIM.

At Brait we are experts in this type of solution, and we have been optimizing accounting departments (accounts payable and sales) for more than 15 years, so we will be happy to help you achieve the right approach whatever the scenario.

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