Brait and SnI: a single solution for tax returns

The advances in the digitalization of processes do not only apply to private companies; more and more public administrations are investing in applying the latest technological advances to all their management processes.

Currently, all European Union countries are undergoing a digital transformation process to prevent money laundering and tax evasion by applying advanced procedures for companies to receive their taxes generated.

One of the changes that most affects companies is related to the tax return, which no longer uses traditional transmission channels to be completely digitized. This represents a substantial improvement in the communication relationship between the administration and the taxpayer, and allows a two-way, automated and instantaneous relationship.

At Brait we have established an alliance with SnI, a company dedicated to the development of tools for compliance and reporting of tax obligations, to offer our customers their solutions.

SnI: who they are and why they are the most recommended

It is a partner specialized in the development of digital solutions for tax information management that helps reduce the risk and costs of complying with tax obligations in a large number of countries.

SnI has developed a tool that is 100% integrated, end-to-end, between the SAP ERP and the different Tax Agencies and information exchange systems, thus meeting the new obligations that are emerging, always on time and with the minimum cost and risk.

At Brait, we offer all the SnI solutions, including:

  1. SAF-T
    This is the common architecture used by all OECD countries. With it, we help you to implement the international standard needed to electronically exchange accounting data to a tax authority or external auditors. This includes countries such as Portugal or Poland, to mention some examples where SAF-T was chosen as a standard.
  2. MTD
    This is the electronic VAT model promoted by the United Kingdom that requires companies that invoice more than £85,000 in VAT to file their VAT books in digital format and send them to the HMRC via API in electronic form. The UK MTD initiative will be extended in the future with other functionalities and requirements, so it is a platform, which for the time being has started with VAT.
  3. SII
    This is the system of Immediate Supply of Information (SII), the new VAT management system that makes it obligatory to send the detail of invoices issued and received in Spain to the Tax Agency within a general period of four days.

The alliance that Brait has established with SnI allows us to give our clients the best services for compliance and reporting of tax obligations in the market, globally, and in a single SAP solution.

If you are interested in the integration of SAP with the tax authorities of each country, do not hesitate to contact us.

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